
What is DHAC Flexi-League?

An internal competition for active DHAC members ONLY that allows you to play 1 match a week at your/your opponent’s convenient time. Players have the flexibility to schedule their weekly match, all matches must be completed within the week unless there is a holiday or a school vacation week.

What level players can participate?

After running last year’s flexi-league and to enhance the experience, we are now tweaking for a better competition to 4 different levels; (1) 2.5 and 3.0 (2) 3.5 (3) 4.0 (4) 4.5 and up. All ratings MUST be recently approved by one of our DHAC Tennis Coaches.

How do I get rated?

To obtain a rating, attend one of the clinics//lesson/Tennis Night Out/TennActive/Team Practice then at the end; ask the coach to give you a NTRP (National Tennis Rating Program). USTA rating would also work. Please, no self-rating.

What is the cost?

It is a one-time joining fee of $50/bracket plus 50% of court fees for each played match; for example, a 90-min Flexi-league match would cost $11.25 per player during the prime time and $9.25 per player during non-prime time.

How does it work?

As an example, if 8 players are registered per bracket, all registered players will get to play each other (7 matches for each player total), scores will get recorded until all matches are completed then we reveal the winner of the bracket.

How do we book a court?

Each registered player will get added to a Flexi-League participants’ list during the period of play. Both players agree on a day/time, then one of the players calls the club to book the court under both names so the court fee is split up.
Please note, you can book the court 6 days before your scheduled day/time same as regular court booking, you will need to mention that it is for a flexi-league match so you get the discounted rate. Flexi-league court time is set to 90 minutes, and to once per week
(one match per week). Flexi-League booking can only be done at the front desk, you will not be able to do this through your DHAC portal.

Are Flexi-League matches timed?

Yes, it is a 90-min match. 5-min warm-up then players start playing their match, once the 90 minutes is up then the match is over. Players must record the scores by sending an email.

How do you win your bracket?

All matches and games count, to win your bracket, you must win the most amount of games and NOT just matches. Once all matches are completed, we will add up the total games won to figure out the winner. If it is a tie, the winner of the match between the two individuals will be considered the bracket winner.

Is there a prize?

Yes, winners will earn a $100 DHAC gift certificate that can be used on anything at DHAC such as lessons, court time etc…

What is the starting date?

We will get brackets up and running based on sign ups; we will need a minimum of 8 players per flight. Flexi-league is a continuous league throughout the year.

How to register?

Please email Naoufal with your full name, membership number, your level as a tennis player, your approval to charge the $50 to your DHAC account and the email address and phone number you would like to use to coordinate your matches.

Entry Fee $50

*Open to active members only

A Great Way

to meet new players and find a match with other DHAC members.